Saturday, September 24, 2011

Little Boxes ...

So after the successful burner test I went back to the furnace part of the build. At this point it's pretty much a process of adding bricks, and cutting & welding steel. This is very much a design as I go process. It looks a lot different as it comes together than I could ever imagine it on paper.

I stopped today with the first two bricks of the lid in place. I'm not sure I'm happy with this. I think in the morning I'm going to make a 30 degree jig to hold the bricks on the tile saw better. Right now I'm just propping them up with another brick and eyeballing the alignment of the blade to a pencil line. Time consuming.

If the jig works, I'll feel better. That will allow me to cut some slivers to put in the gap between the lid bricks and the top course of the sides.

I could get really tricky and do some nifty half laps & stuff, but c'mon. The Sair-Set grout will probably do just fine.

More tomorrow.

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