Friday, September 16, 2011

Burner Design

Well, I've Googled and Binged "propane burner", "propane forge burner", "Ron Reil", and all imaginable combinations of that and other things burner like. There are lot's of good ideas and burners out there. Then I ran into the "Oliver-Upwind" burner and build at Stupid simple. Seem to work great.

Check out this link for the Boorman build.

Conclusion - you can pretty much squirt gas into a tube with some kind of a flare at the end, light it and it'll go. There's some tweaking needed with where you might put holes on the tube and / or some kind of a bell near the gas jet to be sure. However it's pretty basic. I'm sure getting from this, to some super efficient burner requires a PhD and a $2 million research grant. But we are talking about introducing gas and air into a box that will be approaching 2000 degrees. Getting it to burn all the way is not a question. Getting it get past 1000 degrees, that's a different question.

One cool discovery is that MIG welding tips make great propane jets.

To test my theory I took apart a propane torch, used just the jet to squirt gas into a 3/8 inch pipe with a bell reducer on the end for a flame holder. Worked! Not great, but it worked. Heck I was holding everything by hand. So I'm going to use the basic Reil, Vulle, Cook burner with the Krucible reducer as a flame holder. I do like Larry Zoeller's design too. He uses a bored out pipe plug as a jet stalk holder. This allows the jet to be positioned in the pipe at various positions and tuned to the best spot for the given combinations of parts.

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