Sunday, October 23, 2011

Chile Forge

 Stumbled on these guys last night; Chile Forge. Not at all sure how long they've been around. The forge the size I'm building in their line is $795.00. That's probably about right. These look to be well thought out. There's a good bit of welding on them. I like the work holders.

Right out of the gate I'd be adding something for a door.

It looks like they've added interior protective shelves over the ITC-100 coated Kaowool (or similar ceramic fiber). Good approach. I would ask about what the shelves are made of. Should be a 40% + Aluminum Oxide content clay by what I know.

Even their big one shown here will not work for me as a melt furnace. One of my design criteria was that I had to have enough room to put two #6 crucibles in there. Remember I am going to try to melt iron or maybe steel. So a comercially made crucible is going be e must. I don't have an autoclave to fire A really high temp silicon carbide crucible in.

That said. If one was going to to small aluminum melts, something more like 5 lb. ladle would fit fine in there two burner model, probably.

Anyway, these look like great forges for the buck. We'll see how mine stacks up cost wise once I get done.

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