Friday, October 21, 2011

Great Burner Safety System Ilustrations

"Great" is relative. The bar is low.

Anyway check out this link.

I live in the lower Oakland hills. 20 years ago, about five miles to the north, there was a huge fire that wiped out 90% of several neighbor hoods. I don't want to be the guy to start the next fire. So, once I get the forge out of the experimental phase, it's getting a safety system.

The same company has a nice burner setup that is essentially a modification of a burner I think I posted earlier. It replaces the bell reducer or taper based flame holder with a lot of little holes in a much larger diameter "nozzle" for lack of a better term. They call it a burner head. Whatever.

If the firebrick works, I can use my mix to fabricate one like it.


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